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[뉴욕증시] 다우지수 "지금은 주식을 살 때" 투자의 달인 워런 버핏, 주주 연례서한 발송... 증시붕괴 우려 없다, 미국경제 튼튼

김재희 기자

기사입력 : 2016-02-29 05:45

투자의 달인 워런버핏이 주주 서한을 발송햇다. 워런버핏의 주주서한은 미국뉴욕증시에서 가장 인기있는 경제진단이다. 워런버핏은 미국경제가 든든하다면서 지금은 뉴욕증시 다우지수에 투자할 때라고 밝혔다. 이미지 확대보기
투자의 달인 워런버핏이 주주 서한을 발송햇다. 워런버핏의 주주서한은 미국뉴욕증시에서 가장 인기있는 경제진단이다. 워런버핏은 미국경제가 든든하다면서 지금은 뉴욕증시 다우지수에 투자할 때라고 밝혔다.
[글로벌이코노믹 김재희 기자] 투자의 달인으로 워런버핏이 주주들에게 보내는 연례 서한을 보냈다.

워런버핏은 일년에 한 번씩 주주들에게 연례서한을 발송하고 있다. 버핏은 이 서한에서 주주들에게 지난 1년 간의 실적을 보고하고 또 경제상황에대한 진단과 자신의 경영철학도 곁들이고 있다. 버핏의 이 서한은 미국에서 월가에서 가장 많이 읽히는 글이다. 영향력 또한 높다
이 글은 월 스트리트 저널을 비롯한 현지 언론과 버크셔 해서웨이 홈페이지를 통해 공개됐다

워런버핏은 현지시간 28일 공개된 이 글에서 버크셔 헤서웨이가 2015년중 240억8000만 달러의 영업이익을 올렸다고 밝혔다. 전년 대비 42억1000만달러 증가한 것이다. 매출은 전년대비 160억달러 늘어난 2108억 달러에 달했다.

버핏이 주식투자에서 가장 큰 투자이익을 올린 투자대상은 식품회사인 크래프트-하인즈와 BNSF 철도이다.

워런버핏은 또 전세계 증시가 흔들리고 마치 공황이 온 것처럼 이야기하지만 지금 미국경제는 그들의 진단보다 훨씬 양호하다고 말했다.
지금이 뉴욕증시에 투자할 때 라는 것이다.

대통령 선거에 나선 대선후보들이 미국을 비판하지만 이 또한 정치 슬로건일 뿐 미국은 견실하다고 말했다.

버크셔해서웨이 2015년 실적 발표


Omaha, NE (BRK.A; BRK.B) –
We show below summary financial data for the fourth quarter and full year. However, we urge investors and

reporters to carefully read our Annual Report, which has been posted on the Internet at
www.berkshirehathaway.com. The limited information that follows in this press release is totally inadequate for
making an informed investment judgment or for an evaluation of 2015 business performance. Earnings are stated
on an after-tax basis. (Dollar amounts are in millions, except for per share amounts).

Fourth Quarter Full Year

2015 2014 2015 2014
Operating earnings.................................................................................... $4,673 $3,963 $17,358 $16,551
Investment and derivative gains/losses
Investment gains.................................................................................. 399 285 6,092* 2,992
Derivative gains/losses........................................................................ 406 (93) 633 329
805 192 6,725 3,321
Net earnings attributable to Berkshire shareholders................................. $5,478 $4,155 $24,083 $19,872
* Includes after-tax non-cash holding gain of $4.4 billion that was recognized in connection with the merger of Kraft Foods
and H.J. Heinz.
Operating earnings per Class A equivalent share ...................................... $2,843 $2,412 $10,564 $10,071
Investment and derivative gains per Class A equivalent share.................. 490 117 4,092 2,021
Net earnings per Class A equivalent share attributable to
Berkshire shareholders......................................................................... $3,333 $2,529 $14,656 $12,092
Average Class A equivalent shares outstanding.............................................. 1,643,373 1,642,859 1,643,183 1,643,456
Book value per Class A equivalent share at December 31.............................. $155,501 $146,186
Note: Per share amounts for the Class B shares are 1/1,500th those shown for the Class A.
An analysis of Berkshire’s operating earnings follows (dollar amounts are in millions).

Fourth Quarter Full Year
2015 2014 2015 2014
Insurance-underwriting ....................................................................... $ 306 $ 191 $ 1,162 $ 1,692
Insurance-investment income.............................................................. 1,033 880 3,725 3,542
Railroad, Utilities and Energy Businesses .......................................... 1,507 1,552 6,380 5,751
Other businesses and miscellaneous income/expense......................... 1,827 1,340 6,091 5,566
Operating earnings.............................................................................. $4,673 $3,963 $17,358 $16,551

In the table at the top of the page (which, as noted, reports after-tax results), we give investment and derivative
gains (losses) lines of their own because the amounts of these in any given quarter or year are often meaningless.
At December 31, 2015, our book value had increased by 6.4% since yearend 2014 to $155,501 per Class A
equivalent share. Insurance float (the net liabilities we assume under insurance contracts) at December 31, 2015
was approximately $88 billion.

This press release includes certain non-GAAP financial measures. The reconciliations of such measures to the
most comparable GAAP figures in accordance with Regulation G are included herein.
Berkshire presents its results in the way it believes will be most meaningful and useful, as well as most transparent,
to the investing public and others who use Berkshire’s financial information. That presentation includes the use of
certain non-GAAP financial measures. In addition to the GAAP presentations of net earnings, Berkshire shows
operating earnings defined as net earnings exclusive of investment and derivative gains/losses.
Although the investment of insurance and reinsurance premiums to generate investment income and investment
gains or losses is an integral part of Berkshire’s operations, the generation of investment gains or losses is
independent of the insurance underwriting process. Moreover, under applicable GAAP accounting requirements,
losses can be created as the result of other-than-temporary declines in value without actual realization or when
certain types of investments are marked-to-market through earnings. In sum, investment and derivative
gains/losses for any particular period are not indicative of quarterly business performance.


Berkshire Hathaway and its subsidiaries engage in diverse business activities including insurance and reinsurance,
utilities and energy, freight rail transportation, finance, manufacturing, retailing and services. Common stock of
the company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, trading symbols BRK.A and BRK.B.

김재희 기자 tiger8280@
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